Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ryker's First Day of School aka Daycare

On March 6th, Ryker went to his very first day of daycare. We woke up extra early so that we could get everything packed up and give Ryker his bottle. Ryan and I both wanted to be there to drop him off on his first day so we met at the daycare. Everything seemed to go well and mommy got through it with only a few tears. Ryan picked Ryker up after work and he said that Ryker was playing when he got there.

Unfortunately, after only one day at daycare Ryker got sick for the first time. We had to keep him home the next week (he only goes one day a week). Ryan was able to stay home with him. I feel so lucky that we are in Augusta at this time because Ryan is able to stay home more easily than he would if he were on a ship. Ryker is finally feeling better so he will be back on schedule for Monday.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ryker's First Day at the Park

I took Ryker to the park for the first time... he loves the swing and playing in the dirt! What a little boy he is!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sophie James

I left this off of the last post because it deserves a special post all to itself. While we were visiting Aunt Sonja and Uncle John in Savannah, Sophie J decided that we were having too much fun and wanted to come out and play. Saturday morning 2-19-11 (Ryker's 10 month birthday) Sonja came into the guest room where I was sleeping and said that she was heading to the ER because her water might have broke. She told me to go back to sleep (yeah right)! So, I got up and waited on news. Sonja called me a little while later and said "Guess whose in labor?" in that very Sonja way.

I was already planning on being in the delivery room for the birth of baby Sophie however this plan was to take place in four weeks. It was very convenient that I was already in Savannah except that I had Ryker there with me. Ryan met me half way between Augusta and Savannah to pick him up so that I could get back. On my way back, I called Sonja to check on progress. She said that she had already had her epidural and was just waiting. She told me not to rush because it would probably be a while (I was super anxious so I didn't listen). When I pulled up into the parking lot of the hospital, Sonja was calling. She asked where I was and told me that she was almost ready to push! OMG!

John had been picking some things up so he arrived at the hospital at the exact time I did. When we got there, they began setting up for the delivery. I think we were all in shock. I know I was.

Sonja pushed three times and the doctor said "Next time you push, you'll have a baby!" The look on her face was priceless. One push later, Sophie James Schleusner came into this world. She weighed 6lbs 13oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. The only word to describe Sophie was and is perfection.

She came out and immediately made her mark on three people in that room. I can't say how John or Sonja felt in that moment. I have some idea about Sonja because I have gone through labor and met my own perfect baby but I don't know how it feels for a daddy to meet his little girl for the first time. All I know for sure is the way that I felt, not only meeting Sophie but witnessing the emotion in the room and seeing Sonja and John's faces. I will forever be grateful to both of them for allowing me to be a part of such a momentous day.

Sophie is a such a special little girl and I am excited to see her grow and learn about the world around her. She has amazing parents to learn from and help her with all of life's uncertainties. My hope is that she will also know just how much she means to me. No matter where life takes us, Sophie will always have a piece of my heart.

10 Months!

Ryker weighed 23 lbs and was 31 inches long at this doctor visit.

We had lots of firsts in this month... Super Bowl, Aquarium, Valentine's Day, and mommy took her first trip over night without Ryker. I was only gone for one night but was so worried. Ryan kept Ryker at home and I went to our hometown for Aunt Sonja's baby shower. Everything went well, it was much harder on me than on Ryker.

Ryker is getting his formula along with breakfast,lunch and dinner. He also gets snacks. The new foods we gave him include turkey sticks and yogurt. He also started getting real green beans and peas. He loves COFFEE (we just let him have a sip now and then)!

It is amazing the things that he is recognizing now. We can hum music from his different toys and he will go to that toy. He started dancing this month. First it started with shaking his head back and forth on his knees. Now, he dances if he is lying down, sitting up, being held, etc. He understands when we say water, ball, toy, and a ton of other things including Yo Gabba Gabba! He actually likes TV now. He never was interested in it before but he now loves Yo Gabba Gabba (favorite) and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Playing with Dulci is probably Ryker's favorite thing to do even though it is not Dulci's favorite. LOL! He likes fighting over toys with her. He likes to ride on his buggy car outside, he lives it outside in general (must get that from daddy). He also has a car inside that he likes to push around and run into the walls. He likes to bang on things and make loud noises. He screams and babbles all the time. He talks to the TV but only when Mickey is on.

This month's book was Thidwick The Big Hearted Moose.

I Love Our Family

I love this picture of us from January 2011...

First Valentine's Day and Trip to Aquarium

We celebrated Ryker's first Valentine's Day on 2-14-11. He recieved a new Dr. Suess book, The Lorax (which is fantastic). The day after Valentine's Day we decided to take Ryker to the Georgia Aquarium for the first time then go to Fogo de Chao for mommy and daddy. We had an amazing time. Ryker loved all the colors and sea animals. He was over it after about an hour and a half (which we expected). Our lunch at FdC was amazing and Ryker even enjoyed some of the food. It was such an awesome day but very exhausting.

First Super Bowl!

Ryker celebrated his first Super Bowl on February 6, 2011. The Green Bay Packers were playing the Pittsburg Steelers. We invited over our neighbors Heather and Rick and their baby Travis (Ryker's friend). We had some delicious food. Ryker didn't get to watch the entire game but the team that he was cheering for won (they were the underdogs).

9 Months a little late!

So, needless to say I have been extremely busy and have neglected my blogging. This is my attempt to catch up 2 months + late. Luckily, I did manage to fill out Ryker's baby book so I have record of everything (well almost, things change and personality develops so quickly in babies that it is hard to get everything).
Went to doctor for check-up. Everything was great. Ryker weighed 20lbs 14oz and was 29 3/4 inches.

Ryker's 9th month was pretty huge. He began crawling at about 8 months 3 weeks. We were completely ecstatic. I have tons of video and pics. He started out moving a little and in one day he was all over the house. The first thing he went for were the power outlets so we baby proofed the next week. He finally started saying mama however it is few and far between. What a good feeling it is to hear him say it (I only got beat out by Dulci and Dada but whose complaining). We also moved Ryker into his new big boy carseat.

Ryker still loves to play. He will throw the ball to us (although it lands everywhere but where we are) and he likes for us to throw it back. He likes for us to push him on his car in the house. He continues to bang on everything.

We introduced formula into Ryker's diet when he turned 8 month so the day he turned 9 months I was the last day I nursed him (1-19-11). It is both sad and happy for me. I feel very proud that I was able to nurse him for 9 months because that was my goal however I am sad we will not have that special time anymore. He adjusted well. He seems to like the formula and he is able to look around a little more with a bottle. The convenience of bottle feeding is nice especially in public. Ryker has also started picking up food with his fingers which is super cute to watch. We have given him mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, shredded cheese, and almost all the baby foods available for his age. He loves puffs. He didn't like mashed potatoes at first but now he loves them.

The past month was huge for holidays with Christmas and New Year's. I posted about his Christmas which was excellent already. We spent NY day at home. Mommy cooked and Allison (Cookie) came over to eat with us.
This month's book was There's a Wocket in my Pocket:)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Santa Came and Went!

The holidays are officially over. Whew! It is so great to go and be with family and even better to be back at home. Ryker seemed to enjoy opening presents (at least the first one or two). He got entirely too much stuff. We appreciate everything that people bought him but I think next year we will have to put a limit on things or we will have to live in the yard. We spent Christmas night at Meme's house and so that Santa would not forget about us we left him a note telling him where we were. He found us with no problem. Santa is important to Ryan and I because we feel like children have to grow up so fast, they need something sweet and innocent to believe in. This quote says it best:

"Yes, Virginia , there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished."

I recited this when I was in elementary school and I still love it. So, after we opened presents from Santa at Meme's house we went to the DeCosta Christmas. We ate way too much and let the kids open more presents. Later, we opened a few private present between sisters (we also found out we will be getting a new addition to the family in July... Melita is expecting again! YAY!)and then Ryker and I headed over to Uncle Donnie's house. There Ryker opened more presents and visited with Papa and Amma. Sometime during this crazy schedule we got to visit with Aunt Sonja and her family and see Angel (even though she didn't bring Kate to play). Ryan had to come back to Augusta on Christmas night because he had to work the next day:(

Shortly after getting home we decided to un-decorate the house so that Ryker could have plenty of room just in case he decided to start crawling. He hasn't started yet but he is definitely thinking about it. We had a VERY mellow New Year's Eve which ended around 10:30 pm when everyone in the house was asleep. Oh well! Maybe next year we will make it. We got up bright and early on New Year's Day and started cooking. We had a feast. Allison Laakso aka Cookie came over to celebrate with us. Again, we ate to much!

I love the holidays and look forward to them every year but they are so exhausting! I think next year travel may be a little easier:) Welcome 2011! Can't wait to see what you have to offer:)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

8 Months Old

Ryker turned 8 months today! I know I say this each time but I can't believe how the time is flying by. In the past month he got another tooth which totals four. He has bitten me a couple of times on the arm usually when he gets excited. Luckily, he hasn't tried to bite me while nursing. On December 13 (6 days shy of him turning 8 months) we introduced formula into his diet. I have been able to solely nurse him up until now however it is getting more difficult to pump enough milk for him when I am in class or away. I am planning to continue to nurse for at least the next month maybe more. Having Ryker and experiencing motherhood would not have been the same for me if I would not have breastfed. It has created a bond between us that literally NO ONE else could have with him. As difficult as breastfeeding was in the beginning and inconvenient as it sometimes still is, I am so happy that I did not give up on it. I hope that weaning Ryker slowly will help with any anxiety he may have from changing to formula. So far, he seems to be handling the intro to formula well physically. The part I am looking forward to least is having to pay for the formula! UGH! Other than that he is eating the same ole stuff and drinking just water out of his sippy cup.

Ryker does not have to go to the doctor for a check-up this month however he does have to go in for his 2nd flu vaccine. I am going to ask the nurses to weigh and measure him. I believe he is AT LEAST 20 lbs. He is so heavy and he loves for me to carry him around. He has moved into his big boy carseat (thanks to his Aunt Angelique) and is traveling in style now. He doesn't seem to like it much because it is less of a recline than his carrier seat. I think it will be more comfortable when we can front face it.

Ryker still loves to play and is able to occupy himself more. He is not a big TV watcher (hopefully that will stick) however he will catch a glimpse of it now and then. He is not crawling yet and doesn't really like tummy time so I don't know when it will happen. I believe kids that are slept on their belly crawl faster so I am OK with him taking his time. I like the safety of him sleeping on his back! He will stand next to things and play. He will stand by the couch and at his little play table (we just stand beside his so he doesn't fall). Peek-a-boo is one of Ryker's favorite things. He understands how to put a blanket over his face and pull it down all by himself:) He also loves for his daddy to hold him under the arms and bounce him around letting his feet touch the ground like he is walking especially if Dulci is in front of him. He still LOVES Dulci and she loves him too, and even likes him sometimes:) Ryker likes anything that makes noise or talks except the vaccum cleaner which he is scared of. He has a great baseball arm already and throws his toys across the room.

This month we went to Charleston for Thanksgiving at Aunt Ragan and Uncle Greg's. Ryker and Lydia got to play. I think Lydia is ready for him to be a little more active:) We had a great holiday. It was strange for me not to cook because Thanksgiving is usually the holiday I do all the cooking but it was nice to be able to relax. We also made a trip to Savannah to spend the weekend with Aunt Sonja and Uncle John. Aunt Courtnie flew down from Pennsylvania. It was a great weekend. Ryker slept really well at Aunt Sonja's house. He is super excited about her pregnancy and can't wait for baby Sophie James to be born. Finally we took a trip down home to take family pictures with the entire DeCosta family. It was overwhelming and stressful but we got it done.

The most exciting thing that we did this past month was go see Santa. Ryker sat on Santa's lap and stared him down. He didn't cry at all. Santa said he was going to take him to the North Pole and let him be his Elf! We love Santa so much and can't wait for Ryker to really understand who he is!

Ryker's birthday book this month is Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas! I hope that he loves it as much as I do.